Monday, January 17, 2011

My first lesson on editing...

...really introduced me to a whole new world of photography. I am trying out different programs before I make a big purchase. Today in class we got a demo on Adobe Lightroom, so I downloaded a trial version and played around with it after class. 

Exhibit A: The shallow-depth of field shot of Tinsley I used in a previous post The original shot was shot with auto white balance, so the tungsten lighting brought the warm colors out and made Tinsley look yellowish. In Lightroom I updated the white balance manually, so the tone in the overall picture is much cooler and she looks nice and white. I also tried to bring more of the green in the pillow stand out, which was previous muted under the tungsten light. 

Exhibit B: This first photo was taken in the Algarve region in Portugal. It's clearly overexposed. This was one tougher to edit because there are both warm and cool tones in the picture so its a bit tricky to capture both. Nonetheless there is a noticeable improvement in the second photo: the exposure is corrected, the clarity is better, and there is more saturation in the blues and greens. 

I have a lot to learn in this editing space but I'm pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to improve these photos with just a brief overview of the software. I'm looking forward to playing around with more of the features on Lightroom and also getting my feet wet with other software. 


  1. Wow, I'm so impressed with your editing! I'm lucky I was able to teach myself to click the "auto contract" button in my photo editor. So sad. This is inspiring!

  2. Whoops, I mean "auto contrast." See? Can't handle it.

  3. Thanks Maria! Its actually pretty easy to make dramatic changes, you just need to play around with it.
