Thursday, September 9, 2010

Here goes!

Like many I've always enjoyed taking photos. I even dabbled with a beginner photo class my senior year of college. After the semester, I didn't really have a need for the used 35mm camera I purchased (after all, who gets pictures developed these days?), so I ended up reselling it. After I got rid of it, I always had to borrow my brother's Canon digital SLR anytime I went on vacation or got some inspiration to shoot. Last Christmas, I received my very own Canon Digital Rebel Xsi. Right away I wanted to start shooting. It was a pretty cold, snowy December and the last thing I wanted to do was go outside. Thanks to my cat Tinsley, I had a sleepy subject to work with. (I know, I first photo instructor cautioned not to rely on our pets as subjects, but how could you resist this face?) 



  1. it's a cat lulz what else does it to besides sink and sleep
